Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Did you Learn During Immersion?

During immersion I learned how to use my time in a way that I'm not used to because I was basically in charge of my own time.

My mentor was rarely in the office so I had to take charge of when and how much to accomplish for my project in the 2 week period of immersion. I learned that when working with people I've never worked with it can be kind of difficult because I don't want to come off as mean when were doing something and when were doing something and they aren't doing it correctly.

I specifically learned that being nutritious and watching the things you eat daily does help maintain a healthy weight and not be overweight. Personally, I think people put too much emphasis on ways to stay healthy and lose weight without doing anything, but when you look at the real world, nothing just comes to you, you have to practice it in order to become the best at it.

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